– KAFEGAMA-MM (Association of Alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gajah Mada University, Master of Management Study Program) held again a National Conference on Saturday, April 27th 2024, on the 4th Floor of the Master of Management Building, Gadjah Mada University (MMUGM) Jakarta Campus.
The national conference with the theme “Rukun, Guyub, Migunani” was enthusiastically attended by all central and regional KAFEGAMA-MM management as well as university representatives both offline and online. Chairman of the National Conference Risto Samosir SE., MM., said “The 2024 National Conference is the agenda for the 5th election for the Chairman of KAFEGAMA-MM, since we were founded in 2004.”
The National Conference has become an important part of realizing collaboration between Alumni and the University, therefore several representatives from UGM also attended and expressed their appreciation, such as Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., Akt. as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Dr. Tandelilin Eduardus, M.B.A. as Director of the Jakarta Campus, and Bowo Setiyono, S.E., M.Com., Ph.D. as Deputy Director of the Jakarta Campus.
After going through a friendly deliberation and consensus process, finally Tri Andayani, SE., MM., was elected as the Elected Chairman of KAFEGAMA-MM for the 2024 – 2027 period, becoming the successor to the previous Chairman, Dr. R.
Mahelan Prabantarikso, SE., MBA. as acting Chairman 2021 – 2024.
Tri Andayani is a graduate of MMUGM Batch 19 Yogyakarta Campus, who currently also serves as President Director at PT Pelni (Persero). Apart from having extraordinary career experience, Tri Andayani also has active and contributory organizational experience. Tri Andayani is active in various organizational activities, one of which is as a member of Srikandi BUMN (2019 – present) and KAFEGAMA Cooperation Sector Manager (2019 – 2024).
Elected Chairman of KAFEGAMA-MM Tri Andayani in his speech said “I feel honored to be able to make a contribution to my beloved almamater. The involvement of all younger almamaters is also very important, because it can bring new enthusiasm and fresh ideas for mutual progress. I am sure that with a strong spirit of mutual cooperation and cooperation, KAFEGAMA-MM can provide greater benefits for the community, nation and state.”
KAFEGAMA-MM is a forum for the MMUGM Jakarta Campus alumni organization which currently has approximately 15,000 alumni in various professions both abroad and within the country. Since its found on October 8th 2004, KAFEGAMA-MM has been recorded as carrying out various activities that have had a positive impact on society. With the number of alumni increasing, KAFEGAMA-MM is believed to have great potential to repeat and increase its contribution to National Development in Indonesia.